How Orchid Health Uses DataDx to Create Healthier Patient Communities and a More Profitable Practice

The problem: Too much data, and too little time
- Increasing administrative burdens
- A disadvantage in negotiating contracts without the support of corporate backing
- The ever-present difficulties in finding, hiring, training, and retaining top talent
- Having reliable, real-time data about the practice’s patient population and business performance in order to make educated decisions for their benefit
“DataDx just makes AthenaHealth so much more flexible,” said Roller. “In the past, we’d have to run a report, download it, wait for the data to populate — all of which felt like it took a really long time, but DataDx makes all of this so much easier.
DataDx can help us stop doing duplicative work, and that’s one of our goals. By the end of 2022, we’ll just be using DataDx instead of some of the more manual reporting we’ve been doing.
This will save a lot of time. We can literally go in and click, “run for the quarter,” or “run for the month,” or whatever time frame we’re focused on, and have the report ready for the meeting within five minutes vs. having to take the time to manually populate this info like we have in the past.”
DataDx’s commitment to Orchid Health’s goals lies in helping them to succeed through better insights into their performance and full transparency on the financial health of the practice.